Today's Question:
What does a "Clean Install" mean when upgrading to Mac OS X?
When you install Mac OS X, you are given the option to do either a "Clean Install" or "Upgrade and Install." These choices are available whether you are upgrading from Mac OS 9 or from an earlier version of Mac OS X. If you choose to do a clean ... Read More
- How do I transfer an audio CD to an iPhone?
- Can I use a wired and wireless device on the same network?
- What is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit?
- What causes high CPU usage and how can I reduce it?
- What is the difference between a backslash and a forward slash?
- Can I import analog video into my computer?
- What does the "i" stand for in iMac, iPod, and other Apple products?
- What is the difference between portrait mode and landscape mode?
- How do I type a heart symbol with my keyboard?
- What does the phrase "System Analysis" mean?
- What does low-res and high-res mean?
- What does a bank refer to in computer terminology?
- Why are polygons used in 3D graphics?
- What is the difference between a fixed font and a proportional font?
- What does the term COM mean?
- How do I choose a good password?
- Why is there a DCIM folder on my memory card?
- Can someone spy on my computer?
- Should I turn off my computer or put it to sleep?
- Can someone hack into my computer if it is not connected to the Internet?
- What does the "NT" stand for in Windows NT?
- Where is the backslash key located on my keyboard?
- What is the difference between functional and technical obsolescence?
- What is the difference between bits and bytes?
- What are kibibytes, mebibytes, and gibibytes?
- Which takes up more disk space - images or text?
- How many pages of text will one megabyte hold?
- Can I network a Macintosh and Windows PC together?
- What are some of the main reasons why my computer is slowing down?
- What is the difference between Bluetooth and Infrared technology?
- What is the difference between Hibernate and Standby in Windows XP?
- When should I turn off my computer and when should I put it to sleep?
- What are kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes?
- What does a server do?
- What is the difference between a PDF and a JPEG file?
- What is the difference between analog and digital technology?
- Is it possible to convert a raster graphic into a vector graphic?
- What is the difference between vector and raster graphics?
- Which is faster – Kbps or Mbps?
- Any advice on buying a new computer?
- Why are there 1024 bytes in a kilobyte?
- What is Copy and Paste and how does it work?
- How do I play a CD/DVD without an optical drive?
- Will adding more RAM make my computer faster?
- How important is a backlit keyboard?
- What is the safe operating temperature range for a computer?
- What is the hidden SSID of my Wi-Fi router?
- How do I play or burn a CD/DVD if my computer doesn't have a CD/DVD drive?
- What is my router password?
- Do I need a data plan for a tablet?
- What is the difference between DVD and USB?
- Can I upgrade my computer's CPU from an i3 to an i5 processor?
- Where is the return key on my keyboard?
- How can I tell if my modem has a built-in wireless router?
- What is the difference between a switch and a router?
- How close should I put two computer towers next to each other?
- What key do I press to enter the BIOS at startup?
- What is the difference between a router and a modem?
- Why is my computer's USB connection slow?
- Should I get the Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi + Cellular iPad?
- How do I know if my computer has a high-speed port?
- What is the difference between an integrated and a non-integrated system board?
- Can I use different keyboards with my computer?
- What does POST mean in reference to a computer's boot process?
- Can I change my computer's MAC address?
- What is the difference between SDRAM and VRAM?
- Why does my cable appear to be missing pins?
- What are primary and secondary storage devices?
- What do the terms Mk2 and Mk3 mean?
- How do I check how much memory my computer has?
- Why won't my computer boot up after I installed new memory?
- What does it mean to "power cycle" a device?
- How can I tell if my CD/DVD drive burns CDs or DVDs?
- What is the difference between the DVD-R and DVD+R formats?
- What is the difference between Firewire 1394a and 1394b?
- How can I print to a printer connected to an Airport Base Station?
- How can I tell if a memory module is ECC parity RAM or non-ECC non-parity RAM?
- Can I replace non-ECC memory with ECC memory?
- What are some examples of computer peripheral devices?
- How do find out how much RAM my computer has and how much it is using?
- How can I upgrade my computer to USB 2.0?
- Can I use a generic v.92 modem from Wal-Mart in my Dell computer?
- What is the difference between physical memory and available memory?
- What is the difference between memory and hard disk space?
- What do I need in order to burn my own CDs?
- What is the difference between an AGP and a PCI graphics card?
- Will a USB 1.0 or 1.1 device work with my computer that only has USB 2.0 ports?
- What are the Alt (Option) and Control (Ctrl) keys for?
- Can I fax a document without a fax machine?
- What does it mean when a computer is "low on resources?"
- What is the difference between burning and ripping?
- Can I put my computer (tower) on its side, or does it need to stand up?
- Why is my mouse jumpy?
- Is it possible to increase the number of available PCI slots on my computer?
- What is the difference between AGP and PCI graphics cards?
- Why won't my scanner work?
- Why do videos run slow on my computer?
- What is the difference between the AMD Athlon and Intel Pentium processors?
- What does scalable mean, in reference to a computer?
- Why do I get a "needs to be downloaded" error when copying files in macOS?
- Can I open Office documents without Microsoft Office?
- Why do I receive error code 0 when copying files in macOS?
- How do I create a sleep shortcut in macOS with a third-party keyboard?
- What is the difference between Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 S?
- How do I take a screenshot of a window in macOS without a shadow?
- How do I fix the Java command-line error in macOS Sierra?
- Where did the disk space on my Mac go?
- What is a Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package?
- How do I install or upgrade an operating system without a CD or DVD drive?
- How do I force an iCloud folder to refresh in OS X?
- How do I create a PDF document in Mac OS X?
- How do I fix DPC Watchdog Violation errors in Windows 8?
- How do I access and edit the Windows registry?
- Why do some software programs come in 1 PC and 3 PC editions?
- How can I reduce the file size of an image file?
- How do I permanently remove files from my computer?
- What file format should I use when scanning documents?
- How do I share a printer with multiple computers?
- What is the difference between runtime and compile time?
- Why is my iPhone not showing up in iTunes?
- How do I view my system properties in Windows 7?
- How do I log in to Mac OS X if I forgot the administrator password?
- What are examples of window elements?
- What is the difference between threads and processes?
- What is the Ruler option in Microsoft Word?
- What is an insertion point?
- What does it mean to perform a local install?
- What does Paste Special mean?
- What is a distro?
- Why do I get #REF! errors in my spreadsheet program?
- What are primitive and non-primitive data types?
- What are apps?
- What is the difference between a .LOG file and a .TXT file?
- What is a PUP file?
- What is a boot screen and how do I change it?
- What is a zero-byte file?
- What does it mean to mount or unmount a disk image?
- What does it mean when a file's startup location is LM Run?
- What is an RTE file?
- What is the difference between canvas size and image size?
- What are the function keys at the top of my keyboard for?
- How can I tell if my hard disk is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS?
- How do I copy an audio CD to a blank CD using iTunes?
- Which audio file format is best for storing lots of music with high-quality sound?
- What is the difference between a startup disk and a bootable disk?
- What does software programming involve?
- What is the difference between Notepad and WordPad?
- What is Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger?
- What are Windows .cab files used for?
- Why does a program say it requires more memory even though I have enough disk space?
- Do I need a credit card to use iTunes?
- Can I install Microsoft Works and Microsoft Word on the same computer?
- How can I prevent others from taking data off my computer?
- How do I share files between two computers?
- What does Adobe Reader do?
- How do I start my Windows computer in Safe Mode?
- What is the "Desktop" and how can I customize it?
- What does a "Clean Install" mean when upgrading to Mac OS X?
- What is the best program to prevent or remove spyware from my computer?
- What are the differences between PICT, TIFF, and JPEG images?
- What is a system.ini file?
- What is the difference between a file and a folder?
- What are bullets and when do you use them?
- What does "double spacing" mean?
- What is the difference between Save and Save As?
- What is an "application?"
- How do I take a screen shot of the current window on my computer?
- Why does my computer's clock lose several minutes each day?
- How do I open a DLL file?
- How do you open a ZIP (.zip) file?
- How do I change the "read-only" attribute of a file in Windows 98?
- What is a tree pane and a content pane?
- What is the purpose of a device driver?
- What is the advantage of using a wizard to create a new document or project?
- Should I defrag my SSD?
- Why can't I use all the space on my storage device?
- What does "bits per die" mean?
- How do I transfer my files to a new computer?
- What should I do if my hard drive is going bad?
- How do I copy my primary hard drive to a new hard drive?
- What does "internal storage" mean?
- What is a C drive?
- How long does it take to complete a 7-pass erase on a hard disk?
- What is the difference between "recover" and "restore?"
- Can I use my internal hard drive as an external hard drive?
- Will adding more RAM give my computer more free space?
- Can I transfer a program like Print Shop that is on many CDs to a single DVD?
- What is the difference between a USB hard drive and a USB flash drive?
- How can I free up space on my hard disk?
- How do I open files from a USB flash drive?
- How can I make sure everything is deleted off my hard drive before I sell my computer?
- How do I know if the blank CDs & DVDs I buy are rewritable?
- Is it possible to recover files off a disk that has been reformatted or initialized?
- What does it mean to reformat a hard drive?
- What is a lost cluster?
- What does it mean to defragment a hard disk?
- Are Zip disks more reliable than 3.5" diskettes (floppy disks)?
- Why does my hard drive make a lot of noise?
- Why does my hard drive spit and shutter so much even after I defragmented it?
- What would I want to partition my hard drive?
- Can I still start my computer if my hard drive fails?
- Why won't my new IDE hard drive work after I just installed it?
- What is the difference between a double density (DD) diskette, and a high density (HD) diskette?
- How do I connect a mobile device to my TV?
- Why can't I connect my laptop to a TV using a VGA cable?
- How do I connect my laptop to an HDTV?
- What does "OSD Locked" mean?
- Why is monitor's screen blank when I start up my computer?
- I changed my monitor's color settings and can't see anything now. What should I do?
- How can I connect my computer to a TV or television screen?
- Why is my monitor's screen smaller than advertised?
- Why does a 20" flat screen display have a larger screen than a 20" CRT monitor?
- Can I hook up two computers to one display or monitor?
- If I hook up two monitors to my computer, can two people work on the system at the same time?
- Why is the picture on my monitor fuzzy?
- How many monitors can I hook up to my desktop computer?
- Why does my monitor display a "Sync. Out of Range" error message?
- Why does my Wi-Fi signal keep dropping in my home?
- Why does my laptop fan turn on?
- Do I need a cooling pad for my high-end laptop?
- Should I get a Chromebook or a laptop?
- Why does my laptop freeze when playing a video game?
- Why has my laptop gotten slower?
- What laptop should I buy for Christmas 2017?
- Can I upgrade the video card in my laptop?
- Why does my laptop turn off when I unplug it?
- How do I change the battery charging threshold on my laptop?
- Can I add a TV tuner to my laptop?
- What should I look for when buying a laptop?
- Which should I do if my laptop was left in the cold?
- How do I hook up an external display to my Windows laptop?
- How can I connect my laptop to my desktop so I can transfer files?
- What is an Integrated Wireless Connection?
- Does a laptop use a normal video card or is it just onboard?
- How many external monitors can I hook up at the same time to my laptop?
- What is the most common type of expansion slot found in laptop computers?
- What is the difference between the Xfinity XB7-T and XB8-T routers?
- How do I get Internet speeds over 1 Gbps?
- How do I activate Multi-Gig Internet with Ethernet port aggregation?
- Will minimizing or hiding my browser window affect my download speed?
- What does the letter "L" mean in an email message?
- Why do I get a 400 error when visiting a website?
- Why can't I access the Internet when I have a Wi-Fi connection?
- What is an HTTP 503 error?
- Why do videos skip when I watch them online?
- What does "URL expired" mean?
- Why do other people have the same IP address as me?
- How do I clear my history and other saved data from my web browser?
- Why is my Internet connection slower than the maximum speed of my modem?
- How do I publish photo descriptions on Facebook using iPhoto?
- Why do I need to specify port numbers in my Internet applications?
- How do I set up a wireless Internet connection?
- What is the difference between upstream and downstream traffic?
- What are phishing and pharming and how are they different?
- How do I insert emoticons in Instant Messenger and online discussion boards?
- What does Windows XP ICS/ICF status mean?
- Can my Xbox and computer use the same Internet connection?
- What are ten things the Internet cannot help me with?
- What does ".com" stand for in domain names?
- Which is better or faster - a Cable or DSL modem?
- What's the difference between email, online chat, and instant messaging?
- Can I use the same Internet service on two different computers?
- What are computer viruses and how can I protect myself from them?
- What is the purpose of a Web host and why would I need one?
- What kind of files can be downloaded using FTP?
- How do I disable my browser's pop-up blocker?
- Why won't Java applets run in my Web browser?
- What are environment variables used by Web servers?
- How do I remove a subdomain that does not show up in cPanel?
- What does it mean to "stuff the site?"
- What are static and dynamic Web pages?
- What are Microsoft Security Zones?
- What are some search strategies I can use to refine my Web searches?
- What does   mean?
- How can I find someone's street address using Google?
- How do I delete addresses that appear below the address field in my Web browser?
- How do I copy and paste a Web address into my Web browser?
- How can I stop pop-up windows from appearing when I am browsing the Web?
- What are the Web standards CSS and XHTML?
- What is the importance of a domain name and what is a good domain name?
- What is the difference between a PHP and HTML Web page?
- How often should I empty my Temporary Internet Cache?
- Should I have cookies turned on or off in my web browser?
- Why won't Java applets run in my browser?
- What is a .cc (dot cc) domain?
- What is the purpose of a web portal?
- What is the difference between "email" and "email account?"
- Why does Apple Mail hang in OS X 10.10 Yosemite?
- Why do question marks show up in my emails?
- Why won't some links open in email messages?
- Is it possible to read my email on another computer besides my own?
- What does "J" mean in e-mail messages?
- How do I delete thousands of e-mail messages with cPanel or Horde's webmail interface?
- What is a "Global Inbox" and how is it used?
- Is there a term for a "forgotten attachment?"
- How do I keep my e-mail inbox under control?
- What does &mdash mean?
- How do I send a Microsoft Word document to someone who does not have Word on their computer?
- Can I attach more than one document to an e-mail message?
- What is the difference between sending email messages in TEXT mode or in HTML?
- How do I open an e-mail attachment that ends in .mim?
- Why won't my e-mail attachment get sent?