

File Type Generic IconWindows Mobile Encrypted File
File Format Proprietary (Microsoft)
Usage Open manually
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  Common

A MENC file is an encrypted file created by a Windows Mobile device. It may contain one of many file types, but is encrypted (as indicated by the ".menc" extension), which prevents unauthorized access to the file.

MENC files can be opened and viewed on the device that created the file. While MENC files can be transferred to a PC, it may not be possible to decrypt and view them using a computer.

If you do not want files to be encrypted, open the Encryption Control Panel Application on your Windows Mobile device. Then look for the option that says, "Encrypt files placed on storage cards." Uncheck the box next to this option to avoid encrypting your files.

Info About Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center

Windows Mobile Device Center is a utility used for syncing Windows Mobile devices with Windows Vista and Windows 7 computers. It allows Windows to automatically sync programs, media, data files, and settings with a connected Windows Mobile device. Windows Mobile Device Center replaces Windows ActiveSync, which was used by Windows XP and earlier.

Open With

IconMicrosoft Windows Mobile Device Center

IconMicrosoft ActiveSync

Published April 23, 2010
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