

File Type ACIS SAT 3D Model IconACIS SAT 3D Model
File Format Standard (developed by Spatial)
Usage Open manually
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  Common

3D model saved in Spatial's ACIS solid modeling format; stores three-dimensional geometry information in a standard text file format; used for exchanging 3D data between multiple systems and is supported by many 3D CAD programs that include Spatial's 3D ACIS Modeler component.

SAT files, which stand for "Standard ACIS Text," are stored in an ASCII text format. They may also be saved in a binary format using the .SAB file format.

Important: The SAT format is used across many different industries, including CAD, CAM, CAE, AEC, CMM, 3D animation, and shipbuilding.

Info About Spatial Corp 3D ACIS Modeler

3D ACIS Modeler is a geometric modeling application used for developing three-dimensional models. It includes the "B-rep modeler," which supports history-based and multi-dimensional modeling. It also includes extensions that provide extra functionality, such as deformable modeling, defeaturing, advanced covering, and hidden line removal.

Open With

IconSpatial 3D ACIS Modeler

IconAutodesk AutoCAD

IconIMSI TurboCAD for Windows


IconSpatial 3D ACIS Modeler

IconAutodesk AutoCAD

IconIMSI TurboCAD for Mac


IconSpatial 3D ACIS Modeler

IconCADSoftTools CST CAD Navigator

Published 2007
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Information from the PC File Extensions Reference