

File Type Generic IconMathWorks Simulink Model File
File Format Proprietary (MathWorks)
Usage Open manually
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  Common

SLX is simulation model format used by MathWorks' Simulink software. It contains model data formatted in XML and compressed using ZIP compression. The XML data includes a list of model parameters, which each contain specific values.

Important: The SLX format was introduced with Simulink 2012a and replaces the previous .MDL format. MDL files can be exported as SLX files within Simulink by simply selecting File → Save As..., then choosing "SLX."

Info About MathWorks Simulink

MathWorks Simulink is a scientific application designed for performing simulation and creating model-based designs. It supports system-level design, automatic code generation, and continuous testing. The program includes a graphical editor, customizable block libraries, and "solvers," which can be used to model dynamic systems. Simulation results can be exported to MATLAB, MathWorks' technical computing application.

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IconMathWorks Simulink


IconMathWorks Simulink


IconMathWorks Simulink

Published January 30, 2013
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Information from the PC File Extensions Reference