

File Type Microsoft Wizard File IconMicrosoft Wizard File
File Format Proprietary (Microsoft)
Usage Open manually
Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆  Common

WIZ files are used to create wizards for Microsoft programs, such as Word and Publisher. They may contain document templates, user interface objects, macros, and other saved data. The goal of the wizard is to serve as a guide for creating a new document or completing a series of tasks.

Important: You can create a WIZ file in Microsoft Word from a document template. First, open the template (.DOT) file, then modify the document and add custom macros if needed. Finally, save the file and change the ".dot" file extension to ".wiz."

Info About Microsoft Word

Word is a popular word processor for Windows and Macintosh computers. It is that standard word processing program used by most businesses and is also popular among consumers. Word supports advanced text styles and page formatting, as well as images, charts, and graphs. The program also includes a "Track Changes" feature, which allows other users to edit Word documents and note each change they make.

Open With

IconMicrosoft Word

IconMicrosoft Publisher

Published June 19, 2013
Information from the PC File Extensions Reference