HomeHome : News : Jul 04, 2024

The Emperor Has No Clothes

July 4, 2024 — by Per Christensson

The Emperor Has No ClothesIn elementary school, we read a short story by Hans Christian Andersen called "The Emperor's New Clothes." The emperor loved fancy garments and showing off his apparel to those around him. One day, two thieves, purporting to be weavers, convinced the emperor they could make him a garment so beautiful that it would be invisible to those who were "simple in character."

The emperor agreed to their enticing proposal. When the thieves presented the finished garment, the emperor would not admit he couldn't see it. So he went out in public wearing only his underwear. His officials and the townspeople were too scared to state the obvious, for they did not want to be considered simpletons. Instead, they praised the emperor and his new garment, which they could not see. The emperor paraded around the city, blissfully ignorant that he was exposed in his underwear. That is, until a young child exclaimed, "The emperor has no clothes!"

We are watching a modern-day version of this tale play out in the United States. Our current president has shown signs of cognitive decline for years. His officials and the townspeople saw it firsthand during last week's presidential debate. Still, his top advisors dismiss the concerns, saying he had a bad night. Yesterday, several governors met with the president, then held a press conference, telling the public he is fit for the job.

How can we not see what is right in front of us? Have we become so blind as a nation that we refuse to admit the obvious? Has our collective conscience been altered so much that we can no longer think logically?

Our current president, Joe Biden, does not possess the mental or physical stamina to fulfill his duties. It is unreasonable to think he can lead the country for another four years. The emperor has no clothes.
