Term of the Day
Bespoke The term "bespoke" comes from England where it originally referred to custom or tailor-made clothing. In recent years, however, the term has been applied to information technology (IT), and refers to custom services or products. ... Read MoreA
- Abend
- Access
- Access Point
- ACL (Access Control List)
- Active-Matrix
- ActiveX
- Ad Hoc Network
- ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter)
- Add-on
- ADF (Automatic Document Feeder)
- ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Adware
- Affiliate
- AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port)
- AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
- AIX (Advanced Interactive Executive)
- Alert Box
- Algorithm
- Analog
- Android
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
- Antivirus
- API (Application Program Interface)
- Apple
- Applet
- Application
- Archie
- Archive
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
- Array
- Artificial Intelligence
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
- ASP (Active Server Page or Application Service Provider)
- ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment)
- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- Autocomplete
- Autoresponder
- Avatar
- Backbone
- Backside Bus
- Backup
- Bandwidth
- Banner Ad
- Base Station
- Baseband
- BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
- Batch File
- Batch Process
- Baud
- Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy)
- Bespoke
- Beta Software
- Binary
- Bing
- Biometrics
- BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
- Bit
- Bitmap
- Bitrate
- BitTorrent
- BLOB (Binary Large Object)
- Blog
- Blu-ray
- Bluetooth
- BMP (Bitmap)
- Bookmark
- Boolean
- Boot
- Boot Disk
- Boot Sector
- Boot Sequence
- Bot
- Botnet
- Bounce
- bps
- Bridge
- Broadband
- Buffer
- Bug
- Burn
- Bus
- Byte
- C++
- Cable Modem
- Cache
- CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
- Camera RAW
- Caps Lock
- Captcha
- Card Reader
- Cc (Carbon Copy)
- CCD (Charged Coupled Device)
- CD (Compact Disc)
- CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable)
- CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory)
- CD-RW (Compact Disc Re-Writable)
- CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
- Cell
- Certificate
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- Character
- Checksum
- Chip
- Chipset
- CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing)
- Clean Install
- Cleanroom
- Client
- Clip Art
- Clipboard
- CLOB (Character Large Object)
- Clock Cycle
- Clock Speed
- Clone
- Cloud Computing
- Cluster
- CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
- CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black)
- Codec
- Command Prompt
- Commercial Software
- Compact Flash
- Compile
- Compiler
- Component
- Computer
- Computer Ethics
- Configuration
- Contextual Menu
- Control Panel
- Controller Card
- Cookie
- Copy
- Copyright
- CPA (Cost Per Action)
- CPC (Cost Per Click)
- CPL (Cost Per Lead)
- CPM (Cost Per 1,000 Impressions)
- CPS (Classroom Performance System)
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Cron
- Crop
- Cross-Browser
- Cross-Platform
- CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
- CTP (Composite Theoretical Performance)
- CTR (Click-Through Rate)
- Cursor
- Cut
- Cyberbullying
- Cybercrime
- Cyberspace
- Cybersquatter
- DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)
- Daemon
- Dashboard
- Data
- Data Management
- Data Transfer Rate
- Data Type
- Database
- DBMS (Database Management System)
- DDL (Data Definition Language)
- DDR (Double Data Rate)
- DDR2 (Double Data Rate 2)
- DDR3 (Double Data Rate Type 3)
- Debug
- Debugger
- Default
- Defragment
- Degauss
- Del.icio.us
- Delete
- Desktop
- Desktop Computer
- Desktop Publishing
- Developer
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- Dial-up
- Dialog Box
- Digital
- Digital Camera
- Digital Signature
- Digitize
- DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module)
- Direct Digital Marketing
- Direct3D
- Directory
- DirectX
- Disk Drive
- Disk Image
- Dithering
- DLL (Dynamic Link Library)
- DMA (Direct Memory Access)
- DNS (Domain Name System)
- DNS Record
- Dock
- Document
- Domain
- Domain Name
- Domain Suffix
- Dongle
- DOS (Disk Operating System)
- Dot Matrix
- Dot Pitch
- Double Click
- Download
- DPI (Dots Per Inch)
- Drag
- DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
- Driver
- DRM (Digital Rights Management)
- Drop Down Menu
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer)
- DTD (Document Type Definition)
- Dual-Core
- DV (Digital Video)
- DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)
- DVD+R (Digital Versatile Disc Recordable)
- DVD+RW (Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable)
- DVD-R (Digital Versatile Disc Recordable)
- DVD-RAM (Digital Versatile Disc Random Access Memory)
- DVD-RW (Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable)
- DVI (Digital Visual Interface)
- DVR (Digital Video Recorder)
- Dynamic Website
- E-commerce
- E-mail Bankruptcy
- ECC (Error Correction Code)
- EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
- Edutainment
- EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics)
- Emoji
- Emoticon
- Emulation
- Encryption
- End User
- EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)
- Ethernet
- EUP (Enterprise Unified Process)
- Exabyte
- Exbibyte
- Excel
- Expansion Card
- External Hard Drive
- Extranet
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- FAT32 (File Allocation Table 32-bit)
- Favicon
- Fiber Optic Cable
- FIFO (First In, First Out)
- File
- File Extension
- File Format
- File System
- File Type
- Filename
- Finder
- Fios (Fiber Optic Service)
- Firewall
- Firewire
- Firmware
- Flaming
- Flash
- Flash Drive
- Flash Memory
- Flat File
- Flatbed
- Floating Point
- Floppy Disk
- FLOPS (Floating Point Operations Per Second)
- Flowchart
- Folder
- Font
- Format
- Formula
- FPU (Floating Point Unit)
- FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
- Frame
- Freeware
- Frequency
- Friend
- Frozen
- FSB (Frontside Bus)
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- Gamma Correction
- Gateway
- Gibibyte
- GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
- Gigabyte
- Gigaflops
- Gigahertz
- GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- Gnutella
- Golden Master
- Goodput
- Google Drive
- Gopher
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)
- Graphics
- GUI (Graphical User Interface)
- GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
- Hacker
- Halftone
- Handle
- Hard Copy
- Hard Disk
- Hard Drive
- Hard Token
- Hardware
- HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
- HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
- HDTV (High Definition Televsion)
- HDV (High-Definition Video)
- Heat Sink
- Hertz
- Heuristic
- Hexadecimal
- HFS (Hierarchical File System)
- Hibernate
- Hit
- Home Page
- Horizontal Market Software
- Host
- Hover
- HSF (Heat Sink and Fan)
- HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language)
- HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
- HTTPS (HyperText Transport Protocol Secure)
- Hub
- Hyper-Threading
- Hyperlink
- Hypermedia
- Hypertext
- I/O (Input/Output)
- I/O Address
- IBM Compatible
- ICANN (Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers)
- ICF (Internet Connection Firewall)
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- Icon
- ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)
- ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
- IDE (Integrated Device Electronics or Integrated Development Environment)
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor)
- Illegal Operation
- IM (Instant Message)
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
- Impact Printer
- Impression
- Inbox
- Index
- Infotainment
- Inkjet
- Input
- Input Device
- Install
- Installer
- Integer
- Integrated Circuit
- Intellectual Property
- Interface
- Interlaced
- Internal Hard Drive
- Internet
- InterNIC (Internet Network Information Center)
- Intranet
- iOS
- IP (Internet Protocol)
- IP Address
- iPad
- iPhone
- iPod
- IPv4
- IPv6
- IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)
- IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
- IRQ (Interrupt Request)
- ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
- iSCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface)
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
- IT (Information Technology)
- Iteration
- iTunes
- IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
- LAN (Local Area Network)
- Laptop
- Laser Printer
- Latency
- LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
- LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
- Leaderboard
- Leaf
- LED (Light-Emitting Diode)
- LIFO (Last In, First Out)
- Link
- Linux
- Load Balancing
- Localhost
- Log File
- Logic Gate
- Login
- Lossless
- Lossy
- LPI (Lines Per Inch)
- LUN (Logical Unit Number)
- MAC Address (Media Access Control Address)
- Macintosh
- macOS
- Macro
- Mainframe
- Malware
- MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network)
- Markup Language
- Mashup
- Maximize
- Mbps (Megabits Per Second)
- MBR (Master Boot Record)
- MCA (Micro Channel Architecture)
- Mebibyte
- Media
- Megabyte
- Megahertz
- Megapixel
- Memory
- Memory Bank
- Memory Leak
- Memory Module
- Memory Stick
- Menu Bar
- Meta Search Engine
- Meta Tag
- Metadata
- Metafile
- Metaverse
- MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
- MiniDV
- Minimize
- MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second)
- Mirror
- Mirrored Volume
- Mnemonic
- Modem
- Modifier Key
- Monitor
- Moodle
- Motherboard
- Mount
- Mouse
- MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3)
- MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
- MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
- Multimedia
- Multiplatform
- Multiprocessing
- Multitasking
- Multithreading
- MySpace
- Name Server
- NAT (Network Address Translation)
- Native File
- NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System)
- Netiquette
- Netmask
- Network
- Network Topology
- Newbie
- Newsgroup
- NIC (Network Interface Card)
- NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
- NOC (Network Operations Center)
- Node
- Non-Impact Printer
- Northbridge
- NTFS (New Technology File System)
- Null
- Null Character
- Num Lock
- Nybble
- OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)
- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
- Offline
- OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
- OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)
- Online
- OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
- Opacity
- Open Firmware
- Open Source
- OpenGL
- Operating System
- Optical Drive
- Optical Media
- OS X
- OSD (On Screen Display)
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
- Outbox
- Output
- Output Device
- Overclocking
- Overwrite
- P2P (Peer To Peer)
- Packet
- Page Orientation
- Page View
- Parallel Port
- Parse
- Partition
- Password
- Paste
- Path
- Payload
- PC (Personal Computer)
- PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
- PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
- PCI Express
- PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended)
- PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)
- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- Pebibyte
- Peopleware
- Peripheral
- Perl
- Permalink
- Personal URL
- Petabyte
- Petaflops
- Pharming
- Phishing
- PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
- Phreaking
- Piconet
- PIM (Personal Information Manager)
- Ping
- Pipeline
- Piracy
- Pixel
- Plain Text
- Platform
- Plug and Play
- Plug-in
- PMU (Power Management Unit)
- PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
- Podcast
- Pop-Up
- POP3 (Post Office Protocol)
- Port
- Portal
- PostScript
- Power Cycle
- Power Supply
- Power User
- PowerPoint
- PPC (Pay Per Click)
- PPGA (Plastic Pin Grid Array)
- PPI (Pixels Per Inch)
- PPL (Pay Per Lead)
- PPM (Pages Per Minute)
- PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
- PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
- PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
- PRAM (Parameter Random Access Memory)
- Prebinding
- Primary Key
- Primary Memory
- Printer
- Process
- Processor
- Program
- Progressive Scan
- PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)
- Protocol
- Proxy Server
- PS/2 (Personal System/2)
- Pseudocode
- Push
- Python
- RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
- RAM (Random Access Memory)
- Raster Graphic
- Raw Data
- Raw File
- RDF (Resource Description Framework)
- RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory)
- Readme
- Real Number
- Real-Time
- Recursion
- Recursive Function
- Recycle Bin
- Refresh
- Refresh Rate
- Registry
- Reimage
- Remote Access
- Remote Desktop
- Remote User
- Repeater
- Resolution
- Restore
- RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)
- RGB (Red Green Blue)
- Rich Text
- Right-Click
- Ripcording
- RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing)
- ROM (Read-Only Memory)
- Root
- Rootkit
- Rosetta
- Router
- RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
- RPM (Revenue Per 1,000 Impressions)
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
- RTE (Runtime Environment)
- RTF (Rich Text Format)
- Ruby
- Runtime
- RUP (Rational Unified Process)
- Safe Mode
- Samba
- Sample
- Sampling
- SAN (Storage Area Network)
- SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)
- Scanner
- Schema
- Screenshot
- Script
- Scroll Bar
- Scroll Wheel
- Scrolling
- SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
- SD (Secure Digital)
- SDK (Software Development Kit)
- SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory)
- SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
- Search Engine
- Secondary Memory
- Secondary Storage
- Sector
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Serial Port
- SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
- Server
- Service Pack
- Shareware
- Shell
- Shift Key
- SIMM (Single In-Line Memory Module)
- Sitemap
- Skin
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Skyscraper
- Slashdot
- SLI (Scalable Link Interface)
- SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis And Reporting Technology)
- Smartphone
- SMB (Server Message Block)
- SMM (Social Media Marketing)
- SMS (Short Message Service)
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
- Snapchat
- Snapshot
- Snippet
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module)
- SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Social Engineering
- Social Networking
- Socket
- Soft Copy
- Soft Token
- Software
- Solid State
- Sound Card
- Source Code
- Southbridge
- Spam
- Speakers
- Spider
- Spoofing
- Spool
- Spooling
- Spreadsheet
- Spyware
- SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)
- sRGB (Standard Red Green Blue)
- SSD (Solid State Drive)
- SSH (Secure Shell)
- SSID (Service Set Identifier)
- SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
- Stack
- Standalone
- Standby
- Static Website
- Status Bar
- Storage Capacity
- Storage Device
- Streaming
- String
- Subdirectory
- Subnet Mask
- Supercomputer
- Superscalar
- Surge Protector
- Switch
- Sync
- Syntax
- Syntax Error
- System Analyst
- System Hardening
- System Requirements
- System Resources
- System Software
- System Unit
- Systray
- T1
- T3
- Tablet
- Tag
- Tape Drive
- Target Disk Mode
- Taskbar
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- Tebibyte
- Technology Services
- Telecommunications
- Telnet
- Template
- Terabyte
- Teraflops
- Terminal
- Text Editor
- TFT (Thin-Film Transistor)
- Thick Client
- Thin Client
- Third Party
- Thread
- Throughput
- Thumbnail
- Thunderbolt
- Thyristor
- TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
- Tiger
- Title Bar
- Toggle Key
- Token
- Toolbar
- Tooltip
- Torrent
- Toslink
- Traceroute
- Trackback
- Trackball
- Trash
- Trinitron
- Trojan Horse
- Troll
- Troubleshooting
- Truncate
- TTL (Time To Live)
- Tunneling
- Tutorial
- Tweak
- Tweet
- Typeface
- U
- UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration)
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
- Ultra DMA
- UML (Unified Modeling Language)
- UNC (Universal Naming Convention)
- Undo
- Unfriend
- Unix
- Unmount
- Upload
- UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
- URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- USB (Universal Serial Bus)
- User Interface
- Username
- Utility
- VCI (Virtual Channel Identifier)
- VDU (Visual Display Unit)
- Vector
- Vector Graphic
- Veronica
- Vertical Market Software
- VFAT (Virtual File Allocation Table)
- VGA (Video Graphics Array)
- Video Card
- Virtual Memory
- Virtual Reality
- Virtualization
- Virus
- Visual Basic
- VLB (VESA Local Bus)
- VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)
- VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol)
- Volume
- VPI (Virtual Path Identifier)
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- VRAM (Video Random Access Memory)
- VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- WAIS (Wide Area Information Server)
- WAN (Wide Area Network)
- Warm Boot
- Waveform
- Web 2.0
- Web Browser
- Web Host
- Webcam
- Webmail
- Webmaster
- Webpage
- Webring
- Website
- WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
- White Balance
- White Paper
- Wi-Fi
- Widget
- Wiki
- Wildcard
- Win32
- Window
- Windows
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Winsock
- Wireless
- Wizard
- Word Processor
- Word Wrap
- WordArt
- Workstation
- Worm
- WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
- WWW (World Wide Web)
- WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)