HomeHome : Monthly Tips : Oct 2019

Use a Generic Name for Your Home Network

October 2019 — Tip of the Month

When most people set up a new wireless router in their home, they name it something personal like their last name or a family pet. While the name might be easy to remember, it is easy for neighbors to identify it as well. This increases the chances of other people gaining access to the network.

Instead of using a personal name for your Wi-Fi network, try something generic. Some examples include:

  1. Broadcom1
  2. Netgear 24
  3. 5GHz Wireless

To avoid potential conflicts with other network names, you can also choose to be a little more specific. It is OK to use other names and words as long as they do not correspond to anyone in your family. Examples include:

  1. Einstein
  2. Chartreuse
  3. Fourteener
  4. PandaNet
  5. ZenPad

The point is not to use a personally identifiable name for your SSID. By choosing something generic, it will obfuscate your network identity and make it less likely to be compromised.

- Per Christensson
