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Emoticon Shortcuts

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>-) Alien
O:) Angel
X( Angry
=D> Applause
0-+ April
~X( At Wits End
;;) Batting Eyelashes
b-( Beat Up
b-) Beat Up
:bz Bee
:D Big Grin
>:D< Big Hug
o=> Billy
="> Blushing
>:/ Bring It On
=(( Broken Heart
=:) Bug
:-c Call Me
:-@ Chatterbox
~:> Chicken
:O) Clown
:-?? Confused
:-/ Confused
B-) Cool
3:-O Cow
<):) Cowboy
:(( Crying
~o) Cup Of Coffee
\:D/ Dancing
8-> Daydreaming
>:) Devil
:-$ Do Not Tell Anyone
:o3 Dog
#-o Doh
=P~ Drooling
%%- Four Leaf Clover
:-L Frustrated
;)) Giggle
o-> Hiro
:!! Hurry Up
@-) Hypnotized
X_X I Do Not Want To See
*-:) Idea
^#(^ It Was Not Me
:-* Kiss
:)) Laughing
:^o Liar Liar
L-) Loser
:x Love Struck
$-) Money Eyes
:(|) Monkey
:-SS Nailbiting
:-B Nerd
%-( Not Listening
[-( Not Talking
^:)^ Not Worthy
:-j Oh Go On
:)] On The Phone
<:-P Party
:)>- Peace
>:P Phbbbbt
:@) Pig
:ar! Pirate
[-o< Praying
(~~) Pumpkin
/:) Raised Eyebrow
\m/ Rocking
8-| Rolling Eyes
=)) Rolling On The Floor Laughing
@};- Rose
:( Sad
[-x Shame On You
:-& Sick
:-< Sigh
8-} Silly
8-X Skull
|-) Sleepy
:) Smile
:> Smug
(*) Star
:P Sticking Tongue Out
:| Straight Face
B-) Sunglasses
:-O Surprised
=; Talk To The Hand
:-? Thinking
:-q Thumbs Down
:-bd Thumbs Up
:-t Time Out
[..] Transformer
**== United States Flag
:-w Waiting
:-h Wave
#:-S Whew
:-" Whistling
;) Winking
:-S Worried
(:| Yawn
(%) Yin Yang

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