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PC.net Editor Updates

Calendar October 19, 2024

Copyright in the Age of AI

Copyright in the Age of AIChatGPT is an amazing technology, but it is killing the web.

For several decades, people Googled their questions. They typed in search terms, viewed the search results, then clicked on a website. Visitors allowed website owners to monetize their original content through ads. The more traffic they received, the more revenue they would generate, and the more content they could produce.

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August 2 The R&D Tax Law Crushing Software Developers
July 26 Xfinity Internet Speeds Over 2 Gbps
July 4 The Emperor Has No Clothes
June 11 AI Stands for Apple Intelligence?
April 1 Human Intelligence Poses Threat to AI
January 23 Glossary Images!


October 7 View the History of PC.net
September 29 PC.net is Back!
June 6 Will Apple Succeed with Virtual Reality?
April 15 ChatGPT: Male Edition Relaunched
April 8 ChatGPT Launches New Female Edition
April 1 Woke ChatGPT Cancels Itself
March 18 2022 Stock Pick Review: Nextdoor (KIND)


November 3 Tech Clearance: Top 3 Acquisition Targets
May 14 Happy 23rd Birthday, PC.net!
April 1 The Metaverse Faces Real-World Problems
January 2 PC.net 2022 Stock Pick: KIND


June 30 1400 Mbps with Comcast Xfinity
May 14 22 Years of PC.net
April 1 Early Modern English Hath Returned
January 1 2020 Stock Pick Review: FSLY


October 31 Sweden's COVID Response - A Firsthand Experience
July 25 Dreamweaver Does It Again
April 1 Celebrities Urged to Practice Social Distancing Online
March 18 Optimism Amidst a Global Pandemic
January 1 PC.net 2020 Tech Stock Pick: FSLY


December 21 Improved Search for the Holidays
December 2 PC.net is Mobile-Friendly
June 3 Apple Announces $12,000 Mac Pro and Display Combo
May 25 Free Wi-Fi in Japan, 5 Years Later
April 1 Small Typo Sets Back Apple Design More than a Decade
March 26 Background Updates
January 1 PC.net 2019 Tech Stock Pick: WDC


December 7 Switching to Dark Mode? Beware of Glossy Displays
October 27 Traveling > Remodeling
July 28 How I Lost 1.5 Years of Apple Watch Activity Data
April 1 Poll Results: 100% of Facebook Users Don't Actually Care About Privacy
March 23 Wi-Fi on the Hurtigruten MS Fram
March 20 Wi-Fi in Buenos Aires, Argentina
January 22 Wi-Fi in London, England


December 6 Looking for a laptop this Christmas season?
September 13 That Notch Tho
June 29 Happy 10th Birthday, iPhone
April 1 Japan to Replace Entire Written Language with Emojis
March 18 The 5 Best and Worst Things about the Apple Watch
January 20 Goodbye HTTP, Hello HTTPS


November 23 Why my Health Insurance Premiums are Increasing 56% Next Year
November 9 Obamacare: The Untold Story of the 2016 Election
August 22 Pokémon GOing Away or Here to Stay?
June 30 Why HiDPI
May 24 3 Reasons Why Virtual Reality Will Fail
April 1 Snapchat's Valuation Reaches $1 Trillion
March 14 Pi Day 2016 - Don't Forget to Round Up!
February 25 Facebook Replaces Like Button with Reactions


December 5 Tesla vs Maserati vs Lexus vs Audi
November 26 Reason to Give Thanks
October 22 Why I Didn't Buy A Tesla Model S
September 14 A Few Fixes for OS X 10.10
July 29 Microsoft Releases Windows 10
June 26 Drop WWW
June 11 Free Wi-Fi in Scotland
May 14 Happy 16th Birthday PC.net
May 5 Why I Don't Want a Smartwatch
April 1 Apple iChip Rumors Surface
March 11 The Most Epic Pi Day in 100 Years
February 13 Apple: Remember When It Just Worked?
January 31 CES 2015 - The Top Two Themes
January 23 CES 2015 - C Stands for Curved TVs
January 15 CES 2015 Overview
January 3 2014 Tech Predictions Revisited


December 4 Goodbye Adobe
November 26 An Examination of Consciousness: Recognizing Goodness
October 16 Apple Introduces the 5K iMac with a Retina Display
September 26 Why I Got the iPhone 6 Instead of the iPhone 6 Plus
September 19 iPhone 6 Plus Update
August 28 Amazon Buys Twitch
August 23 Smart Shopping
August 9 Life in a "Smart" World
July 4 Happy Independence Day
April 29 iWatch – Who Needs It?
April 1 Twitter Reaches Maximum Tweet Capacity
March 31 Free Wi-Fi in Japan
March 15 Apple (Finally) Releases a Performance Update for iOS
February 25 Microsoft OneDrive Brings Cloud Storage to the Masses
January 13 Google Buys Nest


December 31 2014 Tech Predictions
December 30 2013 Tech Predictions Revisited
December 26 iTunes Playlist: Paid in Full
December 19 New Mac Pro Now Shipping
December 12 High Speed Scandinavia
November 12 Carbonite Releases the Throttle
October 14 Recharge by Unplugging
September 13 Apple Announces New Versions of the Same iPhone
September 5 Will Apple Rise this Fall?
August 30 Old Fashioned Tech Terms
July 26 The Best Tech Companies of 2013
July 19 The Worst Tech Companies of 2013
June 18 A Taxing Problem for Amazon Associates in Minnesota
June 10 The Mac is Back
June 7 WWDC 2013 Wish List
May 14 Happy 14th Birthday!
May 6 Adobe Kills Creative Suite, Moves to Creative Cloud
May 1 The PC is Not Dead
April 30 Facebook Buttons Finally Fixed?
April 1 Amazon Tube to Revolutionize Online Shopping
March 21 Introducing the Mini Review
March 13 StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Released
February 22 Why I Like the Starbucks iPhone App
February 1 Paying for the Music
January 12 Best of CES 2013


December 31 2013 Tech Predictions
December 28 2012 Tech Predictions Revisited
December 12 Less is More
December 9 Winter Tires FTW
November 30 It Pays to Recycle Your Computer with Apple
November 22 Happy Thanksgiving from PC.net!
October 26 Microsoft Launches Windows 8, Windows RT, and Surface
October 23 Apple Introduces a Baby iPad
September 21 iPhone 5 Received
September 12 iCloud Mail Down for Second Day
August 31 Extra Camera Battery FTW
August 1 PC.net 7.1 Published
June 11 WWDC 2012: Highs and Lows
June 7 Mac Mania on Monday?
June 4 Adobe's Crazy CS6 Upgrade Pricing
May 14 Happy Birthday Sharpened.net, er… PC.net
May 8 Comments!
May 1 Sharpened.net is now PC.net
April 27 The Biggest Update Ever
April 24 Adobe: Down Two Strikes
April 1 Next iPad to Include a Physical Keyboard
March 7 Apple Introduces "The New iPad"
February 28 LED Lights Have a Bright Future
February 20 Mac Pro, Where Art Thou?
January 27 Exciting Changes in 2012
January 18 Today's SOPA Opera
January 13 Google Indoor Maps


December 29 2012 Tech Predictions
December 27 2011 Tech Predictions Revisited
December 6 Three Screens Update
November 22 A Truly Wide-Screen iMac
November 11 Eleven Eleven Eleven
November 3 Keeping Up with the Netizens
October 5 Goodbye Steve Jobs
September 28 Amazon Introduces New Kindles
August 25 Thank You Steve Jobs
August 1 A Better Way to Fly
July 20 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Released
July 19 What a World Cup
July 12 Why I Like Bill Gates
June 21 ICANN't Believe It
June 2 3D or not 3D? That is the Question
May 14 Happy Birthday Sharpened.net
April 28 Sharpened.net 6.1 Published
April 1 The End of the Keyboard and Mouse
March 24 Firefox 4: First Impressions
March 21 AT&T to Merge with T-Mobile
March 15 Devastation in Japan
March 4 Definitely Not Comcastic
February 26 Revisions Underway
February 24 Double Resolution Displays May Be a Reality
February 7 Apple Stores Eliminating Boxed Software?


December 29 2011 Tech Predictions
December 20 Website Comment Sections: A Sad Commentary
December 7 Updates Already
November 13 Welcome to Sharpened.net 6.0!
November 10 New Website Launch Imminent
October 23 An Update on the Website Update
October 15 The Adobe I Used to Know
August 24 Headphones Headcase
July 27 StarCraft II Released
July 16 Apple Addresses the iPhone Signal Issue
July 15 iPhone 4 Reception Drama
June 7 iPhone 4 Officially Announced
May 14 Sharpened.net Turns Eleven
April 24 1,000 Ways to Express Yourself
April 1 Computers to be Covered by New Health Care Bill
March 10 The Moral of MySpace
February 23 The Rise and Fall of MySpace
January 30 Questions, Comments, Concerns?


December 31 Looking Forward
November 28 Giving Thanks
October 14 E-mail Etiquette
August 8 Summer Break?
May 14 10 Year Anniversary
April 1 The Internet Files for Bankruptcy
March 19 Twitter Me This
January 22 Maintenance Mania


December 30 Business or Busyness?
November 10 For Nerds Only
September 30 The End of an Era
July 23 Capturing the Moment without a Camera
June 12 3000 File Extensions
May 11 The Whole Nine Years
April 1 Can I Get Some Privacy Please?
March 21 Land of 10,000 Messages
February 8 Sharpened.net is Back Online


December 23 Christmas in America
November 9 Avoiding E-mail Bankruptcy
October 8 New File Extension Search Box
August 3 iPhone Review - Part 2
June 30 Apple iPhone Review
June 13 Windows Vista Poll Results
May 11 Happy 8th Birthday
April 1 New Eco-Friendly Computers
January 30 Windows Vista Released (Finally)


December 21 2000 File Extensions!
October 23 The Bottomless Inbox
September 20 The Browser Results Are In
August 20 Organize Your Digital Photos
July 13 Introducing the New Emoticons Database
July 10 Resources Revision
July 7 Previous Updates Now Available
June 8 The Sharpened MySpace Editor
May 30 The Chat Acronyms Dashboard Widget
May 26 Acronyms Upgrade
May 11 7 Years Old
April 1 Windows Vista Delayed Indefinitely
February 7 Acronym Explosion!
February 3 Superbowl Prediction
February 2 How Time Flies


December 21 1,000 File Extensions!
December 16 500 Glossary Terms!
December 13 An Overwhelming Task
November 24 Happy Thanksgiving!
October 25 Choose Your Search Engine
October 5 A real life logo!
August 31 Repsonse to Hurricane Katrina
June 17 400 Terms!
June 1 More File Extension Information
May 16 Six Years Old
May 5 No Foolin'
April 1 Internet Usage Drops 80%
March 25 New Term of the Day
March 11 Searching for a Site Search Engine
February 1 The new Sharpened.net!
January 14 17 Days and Counting


December 28 Asian Tsunamis
December 11 300 Terms!
November 23 Glossary Updates at Hyperspeed
November 5 Election Poll Results
October 22 Let Your Voice Be Heard
October 21 Updates for All
September 2 Hot New Tunes
July 25 Construction Complete
June 13 Half a Decade of Sharpened.net
April 1 Gadgets Galore!
March 19 Better Borders
February 22 Land of 10,000 Spam Messages
January 26 A Clean Inbox
January 1 An E-mail Resolution


November 27 Gobble Gobble!
September 8 Two Types of People
August 7 Don't Let that Light Shine
July 17 Absolutely Nothing!
May 30 Substantial Updates
May 13 Four Years Old!
April 1 Al Gore Advances Technology
March 11 Slacking Off? Not Really.
January 10 Happy 2003!


December 12 Yet Another Off-Site Update
November 14 Another Remote Update
October 31 Per's Personal Portfolio
October 22 Fabulous Free Time
October 12 Back Online
September 16 Internet Fasting
August 17 Welcome to Sharpened.net Version 3.0!
August 13 Mark Your Calendars
July 15 Nothing Like a Flexible Timeline
June 15 Last Minute Update
May 16 Sharpened.net is Three Years Old!
May 6 Graduation Time
April 1 New iMacs Redefine Innovation
March 12 Don't Break Your Wrist
February 14 Another Annoying Valentine's Day
January 19 A Few Good Updates


December 13 The Busiest Week Ever
November 10 Unanswered Questions
October 23 Three New Songs
September 16 A response to the tragic events of September 11
August 13 Back from Peru
July 17 Busy Playing Around
July 4 Independence Day
June 6 Balancing the Right and Left Brain
May 17 Why Can't I Access Your Site?!
May 15 2nd Anniversary Celebration!
April 27 New Advertiser
April 1 Merger Mania
March 26 200 Terms!
February 26 Time is the Enemy
February 14 Valentine's Day Downer
January 29 The New Help Center
January 18 Promises Promises


December 24 No Y2K Worries This Year
December 3 Netscape 6 Compatible
November 20 Busy Busy
October 27 Stop the Worrying
October 8 About the Editor
September 17 Nothing Exciting
September 4 Taking a Break
August 14 Welcome to the New Sharpened.net!
August 6 HTML to PHP
July 23 The Database Integration Begins
July 2 Some More Updates
June 22 Lots to Say
June 4 The Joy of Multi-Platform Website Development
May 29 A Little More Dynamic
May 14 One Year Anniversary!
April 23 Happy Easter!
April 16 Tony Hawk Pro Skateboarding
April 9 New Typeface
March 26 Biweekly Update Trend
March 12 Unseen Updates
February 27 Minor Updates
February 21 Injury-Free Snowboarding
February 13 Two of Everything
February 6 Sharpened.com
January 30 The Busyness Continues
January 23 The Non-Update
January 17 25 New Glossary Terms
January 2 Typing Double Zeros


December 31 See You Next Millennium
December 26 Y2K Approaches
December 25 Merry Christmas!
December 23 The Updating Continues
December 19 The Foreseeable Future
December 5 Dang Priorities
November 24 Caught Up
November 14 Better Writing
November 7 Small Changes
October 31 Happy Halloween!
October 24 New and Improved Glossary
October 20 More Updating
October 16 The Process Begins
October 10 Small Fixes
October 3 Already October

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